- Payment Options
- We accept the following payment options:
Visa/Master(Pay by Paypal)/Paypal/UnionPay/Alipay/Wechat Pay - Exchange Rate
- The exchange rate shown on the web site is for reference purpose. Exchange rate varies according to the payment method you use and will be determined when you check out. Please note all orders will be calculated in HKD.
Shipping Options (in HKD)
- Hong Kong - HKP Smart Post, SF Express Local
*SF Express Local will charge an extra $10 HKD shipping fee. - China - HK Post e-Express (China EMS)
Orders below $350HKD: Flat Rate $50 HKD
Orders over $350HKD: Free -
Shipping Courier Circulation areas Estimated delivery time HK Post eExpress (China EMS) Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan,
Chongqing, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shandong, Tianjin, Beijing4-10 days HK Post eExpress (China EMS) Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hebei, Sanxi, Shianxi, Inner Mongolia, Ganshu, Qinghai Ningxia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Tibet, Xinjiang 4-10 days - International - Hong Kong Post e-Express (Orders over $350HKD: Free), Hong Kong Speedpost , Aramex (Middle East)
ASIA except Hong Kong and China Canada United States Europe Zone 1(France, Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland) Europe Zone 2 (Austria, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Finland, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Iceland, Romania) Australia and New Zealand Brazil, Mexico Middle East (Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) Oceania (except for Australia and New Zealand) Nigeria, South Africa, Colombia, Bermuda, Netherlands Antilles Rest of World (*Noted: Some regions are not available, please contact CS for more info) e-Express 60 60 40 50 90 50 50 120 97.5 NA 102.4 Hong Kong Speed Post 260-345 260-345 260-345 260-345 260-345 260-345 260-345 NA NA 200 200
Terms and Conditions:
- All destinations customs duties / taxes and storage will be settled by the consignee unless by prior arrangement.
- If claim is made for loss / damage of the shipment, all compensation offered will be as per the standard terms & conditions.